- 该模块采用了通用的ML8511 UV传感器原件,可以用来检测室内或室外的紫外线密度。
- 通过将光电流转化成电压的原理来检测UV强度,同时非常适合被被外部电路所采用。
- 该模快还具备省电模式可达0.1uA,适合在智能可穿戴和手机等设备上使用。
- 紫外线等级监视器
- 环境监测仪、气象站
- DIY紫外线互动装置
- 工作电压:DC 5V
- 工作温度:-20~70°C
- 敏感区域:UV-A,UV-B
- 敏感波长: 280-390nm
- 模块尺寸:30 x 22mm
ML8511 UV等级图表
ML8511 UV等级图表
- 从图表上可以看到紫外线输出电压映射到等级是一条直线,从1.0V开始,最大是2.8V(15mW/cm2)。
- Arduino虽然有一个内置的函数map() function,但是map()是不能工作在浮点型的。这里要感谢Arduino社区开源奉献者才有了下面的一个简单的mapfloat()函数,方便我们使用。
- //The Arduino Map function but for floats
- //From: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=3922.0
- float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
- {
- return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
- }
- 下面是将传感器读到的电压值转换成mW/cm2等级:
- float uvIntensity = mapfloat(outputVoltage, 0.99, 2.8, 0.0, 15.0); //Convert the voltage to a UV intensity level
- /***************************************************
- * UV Sensor v1.0-ML8511
- * <....>
- ***************************************************
- * This example reads UV intensity from UV Sensor v1.0-ML8511.
- *
- * Created 2014-9-23
- * By Phoebe <phoebe.wang@dfrobot.com>
- * Modified 2014-9-23
- * By Phoebe phoebe.wang@dfrobot.com>
- *
- * GNU Lesser General Public License.
- * See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
- * All above must be included in any redistribution
- ****************************************************/
- /***********Notice and Trouble shooting***************
- * 1.Connect ML8511 UV Sensor to Arduino A0
- <http://wiki.dfrobot.com.cn/index.php/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6:SEN0175_Diagram.png>
- * 2.This code is tested on Arduino Uno, Leonardo, Mega boards.
- ****************************************************/
- int ReadUVintensityPin = A0; //Output from the sensor
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(ReadUVintensityPin, INPUT);
- Serial.begin(9600); //open serial port, set the baud rate to 9600 bps
- Serial.println("Starting up...");
- }
- void loop()
- {
- int uvLevel = averageAnalogRead(ReadUVintensityPin);
- float outputVoltage = 5.0 * uvLevel/1024;
- float uvIntensity = mapfloat(outputVoltage, 0.99, 2.9, 0.0, 15.0);
- Serial.print("UVAnalogOutput: ");
- Serial.print(uvLevel);
- Serial.print(" OutputVoltage: ");
- Serial.print(outputVoltage);
- Serial.print(" UV Intensity: ");
- Serial.print(uvIntensity);
- Serial.print(" mW/cm^2");
- Serial.println();
- delay(100);
- }
- //Takes an average of readings on a given pin
- //Returns the average
- int averageAnalogRead(int pinToRead)
- {
- byte numberOfReadings = 8;
- unsigned int runningValue = 0;
- for(int x = 0 ; x < numberOfReadings ; x++)
- runningValue += analogRead(pinToRead);
- runningValue /= numberOfReadings;
- return(runningValue);
- }
- //The Arduino Map function but for floats
- //From: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=3922.0
- float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
- {
- return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
- }